Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) are a real lifesaver if who need a little help with your breathing due to a COPD or other respiratory diagnosis.

Why Aren't Portable Oxygen Concentrators More Affordable?
Mar 18, 2025 12:44:41 PM / by Eden Coleman posted in Respiratory Resource Center, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, COPD Treatment
The ARYA Portable Oxygen Concentrator Compared to The Inogen One G5
Nov 4, 2022 4:12:55 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in COPD, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, oxygen therapy, Inogen One G5, COPD Treatment, Arya portable oxygen concentrator
Getting Adjusted to Using Oxygen for the First Time
Jul 20, 2022 2:14:52 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in Respiratory Resource Center, Tips and Hacks, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD education, Travel, COPD Treatment
Sleep Apnea Explained: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
Jun 30, 2022 12:47:04 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in Respiratory Resource Center, portable oxygen concentrator, sleep apnea, wellness goals, Sleeping And Chronic Illness
Coughing Can Effectively Clear Your Airways and Help You Breath Easier
Mar 22, 2022 3:38:25 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, wellness goals, COPD management, COPD Treatment
If you have COPD, the first sign that something was not right was likely feeling shortness of breath, to the point that you wanted to see your doctor about it. It also could have been that incessant cough throughout the day and night.
Using the Caire Freestyle Comfort to Treat Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Feb 7, 2022 5:18:05 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in Respiratory Resource Center, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, Caire Freestyle Comfort
Chronic respiratory disease is debilitating to say
the least, the nature of a chronic illness is that it is not curable, and it will progress if gone untreated. Treating a chronic illness is a battle in itself because it involves exercising, eating properly, quitting habits, and creating new healthy ones
16 Holiday Gift Ideas for your Loved One Suffering from COPD
Dec 13, 2021 3:27:30 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in COPD, Respiratory Resource Center, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, COPD education, Respironics SimplyGo, Inogen One G5, Inogen, SeQual Eclipse 5, Inogen One G3, gift guide, Continuous flow oxygen concentrator, pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators, Lifestyle P2 by Rhythm
The holidays and shopping for friends or family with COPD can be difficult. But you know what's more difficult? Living with COPD every day of the year, and especially in the cold winter months!
Watch Our Comparison Video Between the GCE Zeno and the Philips Respironics SimplyGo
Oct 22, 2021 1:25:05 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in Respiratory Resource Center, portable oxygen concentrator, Respironics SimplyGo, Continuous flow oxygen concentrator
We created a comprehensive guide into the similarities and differences between the GCE Zeno and the Respironics Simply go portable oxygen concentrators. We also made a video for you to watch that takes you through everything you need to know about these two portable oxygen concentrators.
7 Devices That Will Improve Your Life With COPD
Sep 21, 2021 4:46:18 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors
Nowadays, we rely on our devices for just about everything. Cellphones, for example, are used for everything from making calls and sending text messages to tracking our fitness progress or staying connected with online communities. If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD or another chronic respiratory ailment, this reliance on technology doesn’t go away. In some cases, you might even be more dependent on technology than previously. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though as long as you’re using devices that are reliable and match your lifestyle.
Oxlife Independence Portable Oxygen Concentrator | Unboxing & Review
Sep 10, 2021 2:59:18 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD education, COPD management, Continuous flow oxygen concentrator, Oxlife Independence
Here at LPT Medical, our goal is to get a portable oxygen concentrator in the hands of anyone who needs one. While oxygen tanks get the job done, we strongly believe that having a portable, lightweight oxygen device can significantly improve the lives of COPD patients around the world by empowering them with more freedom and ease of use than they ever thought possible. However, before we can recommend an oxygen concentrator to you, we need to learn a little bit about your condition, lifestyle, budget, and long-term goals. Reach out to our respiratory specialists at 1-888-416-3855 or email us at info@lptmedical.com to get started.