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Respiratory Resource Center

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Sleep Apnea Explained: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Jun 30, 2022 12:47:04 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in Respiratory Resource Center, portable oxygen concentrator, sleep apnea, wellness goals, Sleeping And Chronic Illness


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What to do When You're Burnt Out on Your COPD Treatment Plan

Sep 2, 2021 4:02:35 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks, diet, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, sleep apnea, wellness goals, exercise, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, Mental heath, Sleeping And Chronic Illness


We’ve all experienced what it’s like to be burnt out on something. Whether it’s your job, chores, or health routine, it’s not always easy to find a way to stay on track to meet your goals. What complicates this even further is that everyone experiences this for a different reason. For some people, it’s just a matter of learning how to stick to a routine, but for others, it could be a lack of mental or physical energy that’s holding them back.

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Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep: Can Oxygen Therapy Treat your Central Sleep Apnea?

May 13, 2021 3:43:31 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in COPD, Tips and Hacks, sleep apnea, wellness goals, COPD management, Sleeping And Chronic Illness

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Getting enough sleep can help your well being in a number of ways, your mental health, your physical capabilities, and so much more. But if you have sleep apnea, falling asleep, let alone sleeping through the night is an impossible task. 

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14 Questions to Ask Your Pulmonologist About Supplemental Oxygen Therapy

Apr 26, 2021 1:45:49 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, sleep apnea, wellness goals, exercise, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, Continuous flow oxygen concentrator, pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators



Supplemental oxygen is a type of medical therapy used to treat chronic lung conditions like cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and COPD. The aim of supplemental oxygen is to maintain a patient’s blood oxygen levels which are vital for systemic health. Every organ in the body requires oxygen in order to function properly, so using supplemental oxygen as it’s advised by your doctor can provide you with immense short- and long-term benefits.

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What's the Difference Between a Respirator, Ventilator, and Oxygen Concentrator?

Dec 22, 2020 4:05:31 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, asthma, sleep apnea, COPD education, COPD management, Respironics SimplyGo, Inogen One G5, Inogen, Caire Freestyle Comfort


Medical terminology can be very challenging to understand sometimes. Even with the abundance of resources we have nowadays in order to research and understand these terms, there are always certain things that will be lost in translation. The oxygen industry, for example, is rife with terms that many people don’t entirely understand. This can lead to a lot of confusion when it comes to discussing them with your friends, family, or doctor. 

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6 Tips for COPD Patients to Keep Active During the Pandemic

Apr 15, 2020 3:13:00 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, sleep apnea


The past several months have been challenging for many people across the world. With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), most of us are filled with uncertainty about our health and financial well-being. While many people have lost their jobs, older adults, especially those with chronic health conditions like COPD or diabetes, have had to drastically adjust their lifestyle to avoid getting sick.

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7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Inogen One G5 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Feb 7, 2020 12:28:01 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, sleep apnea


In this day and age, convenience and reliability are everything. With how busy the average American is in their day-to-day life, most of us expect things like our phones, vehicles, and medical equipment to work as they’re intended all the time. By doing so, we’re able to enjoy the freedom to go where we want and do the things we set out to do without anything standing in our way.

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How To Maintain A Healthy Weight With COPD

Jul 15, 2019 11:14:59 AM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks, diet, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, sleep apnea


If you grew up hearing the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” then you’ve probably spent your life trying to eat healthy foods. However, “eating healthy” isn’t necessarily just about eating healthy food; it’s about getting the right balance of nutrients that your body needs.

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The Effects of Poor Sleep Quality on COPD Exacerbations

Jul 10, 2019 11:30:03 AM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Tips and Hacks, diet, sleep apnea


If you’ve already read our blog on treating and overcoming sleep apnea, you know that sleep apnea is a common disorder with potentially serious implications. While sleep apnea symptoms may seem mild at first, over time, obstructive sleep apnea may eventually lead to increased blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, depression, and more. 

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