How to Combat Back Pain Caused By COPD
Sep 14, 2022 3:29:00 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in COPD management, wellness for seniors, COPD Treatment
7 Devices That Will Improve Your Life With COPD
Sep 21, 2021 4:46:18 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors
Nowadays, we rely on our devices for just about everything. Cellphones, for example, are used for everything from making calls and sending text messages to tracking our fitness progress or staying connected with online communities. If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD or another chronic respiratory ailment, this reliance on technology doesn’t go away. In some cases, you might even be more dependent on technology than previously. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though as long as you’re using devices that are reliable and match your lifestyle.
What to do When You're Burnt Out on Your COPD Treatment Plan
Sep 2, 2021 4:02:35 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks, diet, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, sleep apnea, wellness goals, exercise, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, Mental heath, Sleeping And Chronic Illness
We’ve all experienced what it’s like to be burnt out on something. Whether it’s your job, chores, or health routine, it’s not always easy to find a way to stay on track to meet your goals. What complicates this even further is that everyone experiences this for a different reason. For some people, it’s just a matter of learning how to stick to a routine, but for others, it could be a lack of mental or physical energy that’s holding them back.
Oxlife Freedom Portable Oxygen Concentrator - Unboxing & Review
Aug 18, 2021 3:55:06 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD management, wellness for seniors, pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators
Respironics SimplyGo - Unboxing & Review
Aug 11, 2021 4:24:26 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, wellness for seniors, Respironics SimplyGo, Continuous flow oxygen concentrator, Sleeping And Chronic Illness
Respironics SimplyGo Mini - Unboxing & Review
Jul 30, 2021 10:29:26 AM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators, Travel
Finding Your Flow State: Practicing Tai Chi and Yoga to Promote Lung Health
Jul 20, 2021 5:34:05 PM / by Ana Eyssimont posted in wellness goals, exercise, COPD management, wellness for seniors
COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a group of progressive lung diseases, the most common being emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
How Positive Thinking Can Improve Outcomes for COPD Patients
Jun 14, 2021 3:24:40 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, wellness goals, exercise, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, Mental heath
When you think about your day as a whole, how much time do you spend thinking positive thoughts? What about negative thoughts? And have you ever wondered how these two different lines of thinking are affecting your well-being and your ability to cope with your lung disease? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an unbelievably complex disease. Like we’ve discussed in previous posts, it’s a “systemic disease’” meaning it can have manifestations in other areas of the body. So, we can’t even begin to imagine all of the ways it affects our physical and mental health.
COPD and Osteoporosis: What's the Connection?
May 26, 2021 4:31:46 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, diet, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, outdoor recreation, Inogen One G5, Caire Freestyle Comfort
If you tuned into our blog earlier this month, you know that we discussed COPD as a “systemic disease.” In other words, it’s a disease that affects every part of the body, not just the lungs. This is an important distinction to make because it enables both patients and medical professionals to detect systemic manifestations earlier on and treat them more effectively. One of the systemic manifestations that we mentioned in this post is osteoporosis, a disease that affects the density of the bones.
9 Tips for Staying Active Outdoors This Summer if You Have COPD
May 21, 2021 1:06:00 PM / by Daniel Seter posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, portable oxygen concentrator, G5 oxygen concentrators, oxygen therapy, wellness goals, exercise, COPD education, COPD management, wellness for seniors, Inogen One G5, Caire Freestyle Comfort, pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators, Travel
For the majority of people, summer is the best time for being active. No matter what type of physical exercise you like to do, everything tends to be more enjoyable and productive when it’s done outside rather than inside. What’s more, studies have shown many health benefits to being outdoors including lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and preventing insomnia, a sleep disorder that often results from a lack of sunlight during the day.