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How to Understand Your COPD Test Results

May 20, 2019 10:38:29 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment


If you have COPD, then you've probably realized that treating the disease is not a simple process. In order to get it right, your doctor needs to have a very thorough understanding of your physical condition and the nature of your disease.


Because of this, people with COPD have to undergo a large number of medical tests and screenings over the course of COPD treatment. These tests, which include blood screenings, x-rays, spirometry measurements, and more, allow your doctor to tailor your treatment plan specifically to your needs.


Unfortunately, while these tests reveal valuable information about your health and your disease, many patients don't fully understand what their results mean. Even if you have a general idea of what the tests are for, chances are you still wouldn't know how to read and understand the results.


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Volatile Organic Compounds and Your Lungs

May 6, 2019 10:39:55 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks

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They're in the air, in our homes, and in a wide variety of products we use every day—volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere. Unfortunately, exposure to too many VOCs can be bad for your health and particularly dangerous for your lungs.

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Get to Know Your COPD Treatment Team

May 1, 2019 10:28:57 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment


COPD is a complex disease, and to manage it effectively you need more than just your primary care doctor. In most cases, it takes a team of several medical specialists to provide high-quality care for people with COPD.

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The 7 Major Benefits of Supplemental Oxygen Therapy

Apr 29, 2019 10:56:49 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks


If you or someone you love suffers from a chronic respiratory disease, you might be curious about supplemental oxygen therapy. Whether you are already using supplemental oxygen or you think that you might need it, it's helpful to learn more about the therapy and the benefits it could have for you.

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11 Things You Should Do After Getting Diagnosed with COPD

Apr 25, 2019 10:55:03 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks


So, you recently found out you have COPD and you're not sure what to do. You might be feeling scared, lost, overwhelmed, or anxious about what will come next.

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COPD and Memory Loss: Why it Can Be Hard to Remember

Mar 11, 2019 9:48:05 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks


Did you know that living with COPD can make it more difficult to think, make decisions, and remember things? It's true; studies show that COPD can cause mild cognitive impairment, a condition that affects your memory and other mental functions.


Unfortunately, many people are unaware of, or underestimate, the effect that COPD can have on your brain. Because of this, many COPD patients experience mental decline without ever realizing that their disease could be the cause.


This is a shame, especially because COPD-related mild cognitive impairment is both treatable and preventable. But in order to avoid it or minimize its symptoms, you have to understand what it is and what is has to do with COPD.

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14 Mistakes New COPD Patients Make & How You Can Avoid Them

Feb 19, 2019 10:20:28 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, asthma


Getting diagnosed with COPD can seem overwhelming, especially when it catches you by surprise. It's often even more overwhelming to get used to all the new treatments, medications and lifestyle changes required to keep your lungs healthy, especially while you're still trying to come to terms with your diagnosis.


As a chronic disease, COPD requires constant work and careful decision-making to keep the symptoms under control. Because of this, it's no surprise that new COPD patients make a variety of mistakes that can affect their health and well-being.


Between making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medications, and many other activities of daily life, there are a lot of opportunities for error. As you adjust to life with COPD, it's important to avoid making mistakes that could serious consequences for your health, or at least catch and correct them early on.

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How COPD Affects Men and Women Differently

Feb 15, 2019 10:29:15 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks


COPD affects more than 11 million people in the US, both men and women alike. However, there are some noticeable differences between how men and women are affected by the disease.


For example, in recent years, significantly more women than men have been diagnosed with COPD. Men and women can also have different COPD symptoms, and gender can even affect how quickly the disease progresses and gets worse.


Other differences show up in the doctor's office, when doctors give different care to men and women with early symptoms of the disease. This results in many women having to wait longer to get tested and diagnosed for COPD.

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Pulmonary Nodules: What are They and Should You Worry?

Feb 4, 2019 10:41:49 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment


Pulmonary nodules—or spots on the lung—are the source of a great deal of worry and stress for the thousands of people who are diagnosed with them every year. Despite the fact that pulmonary nodules are relatively common, the majority of people don't really understand what they are or how they work.


Many people's first thought is that pulmonary nodules are cancer—but this is not always true. In reality, most pulmonary nodules are harmless, and only a very small percentage of them turn out to be cancerous.


If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with lung spots, then you might be worried and you might have a lot of questions. In this guide, we hope to answer these questions and give you all the information you need to better understand pulmonary nodules and the level of risk they pose.

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New Product Announcement: ResMed Mobi Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Feb 1, 2019 11:37:00 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in Medication and Treatment


ResMed is one of the top names in respiratory medical equipment. They specialize in portable oxygen concentrators and sleep apnea devices. In fact, the last portable oxygen concentrator they released, the LifeChoice Activox 4L, has been one of the most popular units on the market for the past few years. 

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