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Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators and You: A Match Made in Breathlessness

Sep 8, 2020 2:46:21 PM / by Ana Eyssimont

Inogen Reveiews

Similarly to a love match made in heaven, your oxygen therapy device should meet the same set of standard and be created to last a lifetime!

Your oxygen device, like a loved one, should make life better and more enjoyable. They should both possess qualities that bring out the best in yourself! Each should be reliable at all times of the day and night, and in times of hardship. In this article we will talk about our Inogen brand portable oxygen concentrators and how the right POC will make a perfect match for you and your lifestyle 


If your oxygen device is not meeting your standards, you should consider a new journey with a new device that will open up new and exciting possibilities, give you freedom, and most importantly the reliability to breath everyday all day no matter what.


Finding the right oxygen device for you may seem like a daunting and overwhelming task, after all, there are so many brands, different machinery, massive lists of pros and cons, how do you know your oxygen device will meet your requirements?


Well in this article we are focusing on one brand, Inogen, and we will look at three different portable oxygen concentrators. Inogen is a company at the very top of the oxygen industry. They started off with one of the first FAA-approved portable oxygen concentrators and since then they have never looked back.


Meet the 3 eligible Inogen portable oxygen concentrators



Inogen Review


One thing that you should know is that even though you need oxygen therapy you actually do not have to sacrifice your personal freedom to hang out with your friends or visit with family due to the restrictive nature of your medical oxygen tanks.


There are cheaper and more efficient alternatives: Portable oxygen concentrators in general, and more specifically, the Inogen brand portable oxygen concentrators offer oxygen users a reliable and comfortable oxygen experience that makes life easier and more enjoyable. 


The Inogen One G5


inogen g5


Ditch that cumbersome oxygen tank, and simultaneously regain your personal freedom with the brand new Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator.


Instead of worrying about refilling your oxygen tanks, the Inogen One G5 restores your mobility thanks to its portable delivery of pulse flow settings of 1-6, which is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This battery can last up to 13 hours, depending on your pulse dose prescription. You will be able to stay out longer without having to charge your device.


The One G5 portable oxygen concentrator is lighter and offers a longer battery life than the One G3.


Like we mentioned earlier, you should be able to rely on your oxygen device any time during the day or night, and with the One G5, you will be able to enjoy these same oxygen delivery benefits at night while you sleep thanks to the presence of Inogen’s intelligent Sleep Mode Technology.


inogen cost


Essentially what this means is that as your breathing rate becomes more shallow as you sleep, the Sleep Mode Technology will go to work by increasing each bolus dose of oxygen.


Even if you are a mouth breather, the Sleep Mode Technology is able to detect shallow mouth breaths that are frequent when sleeping. This will then tell the Inogen One G5 to trigger a bolus dose based upon your specific fixed minute volume.


Now, most of our customers are able to use this technology to sleep with the Inogen One G5, however, we highly recommend you first speak with your doctor before using this while sleeping.


The One G5 will most likely satisfy any oxygen patient's needs who requires a pulse dose oxygen device because the Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator offers pulse flow settings of 1-6! This means that even if you only require a pulse dose setting of 2-3, in the case of an emergency like a flare up, your doctor may recommend that you increase the oxygen flow in order to calm the systems you are experiencing during a flare. In this case, the One G5 is powerful enough to meet you required pulse dose settings should you need to increase it.



Learning about your oxygen device is hugely important if you want to reap all of the benefits that comes with it. Educating yourself about all of your medical devices should be one of your top priorities to ensure you are able to manage and treat your disease effectively. In an effort to help our patients with all aspects of their pulmonary wellness regimen, we’re now offering a FREE Thrive eLearning Course with the purchase of your Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator.


This pulmonary wellness guide teaches you about more than just your great portable oxygen concentrator. It shows you how to make other lifestyle changes involving your diet, exercise routine, and more.




Thrive is an accessible, all-in-one online training course that aims to provide you with simple, practical, and actionable tips for managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). With this program, you’ll also have access to one-on-one counseling with certified pulmonary experts, support group opportunities, online learning courses, and much more! Below is a full list of what

you’ll receive:


  • Direct access to a private support group (patients, caretakers, and experts)
  • Years of COPD and respiratory illness knowledge
  • Step-by-step disease management regimen
  • Best selling e-books and guides
  • Step-by-step breathing exercises
  • Learn about exacerbations and how to prevent them
  • Speak with a nutritionist about refining and improving your diet


COPD symptoms can only be managed with impeccable lifestyle choices. This ePulmonary Advanced Online Workshop will help you get back on track and locate any anomalies in your COPD treatment plan. The Inogen One G5 will provide you with the oxygen and freedom that you need to live life on your own terms, but this training program will make you unstoppable!


This Thrive ePulmonary Online Training Program is a $497 value, but we’re offering it for FREE! Order your Inogen One G5 today and experience the freedom you want and deserve!




So let's recap the One G5:

The advantages of the Inogen One G5:

  • Weighs Less Than the Inogen One G3
  • Improved Battery Life Compared to the G3 for Extended Mobility
  • Enjoy Interruption Free Oxygen Therapy
  • Sleep Mode Technology for a Delivery of Oxygen Therapy While You Sleep
  • Reliable in the case of an emergency



Inogen One G3


The Inogen One G3 offers incredible battery life in combination with a compact and lightweight design. So even though this model is earlier than the One G4 and G5, it is still one of the most popular portable oxygen concentrators on the market for over two years


inogen one


The One G3 weighs 4.8 pounds and offers up to 8 hours of battery life. So the G3 is easy to carry wherever you go all day long.


Whether you’re going on vacation, heading to the doctor, exercising, or lounging around your house you will be able to comfortably carry your Inogen One G3 with you. And if your lifestyle calls for longer battery life, even with the 16-Cell battery, the G3 still weighs less than 6 pounds!


One of the other major reasons why the Inogen One G3 is one of the most popular units on the market is the fact that it is one of the most durable and reliable concentrators available. This is an essential quality that you should look for in a portable oxygen concentrator A lot of respiratory diseases are progressive in nature. So if you require a setting of 2 or 3, the Inogen One G3 provides you with some wiggle room for an increase in your flow rate past these settings. So if your disease progresses and you prescribed flow rate increases you won’t have to worry about getting a new oxygen concentrator.


The Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow portable oxygen concentrator. It does not have the ability to provide a continuous flow. It offers pulse flow settings 1-5 and can accommodate nearly any oxygen patient who can use a pulse flow.


Despite the fact that the Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow portable oxygen concentrator, the majority of oxygen patients can still use this machine for nighttime oxygen delivery! Just like the Inogen One G2, the G3 is equipped with Intelligent Delivery Technology.


inogen G3 system


Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology ensures that your oxygen is delivered within the first 400 milliseconds after your concentrator detects your breath. This almost guarantees that you’re receiving the entire bolus dose of oxygen delivered by your G3.


Along with delivering oxygen within the first 400 milliseconds, the Intelligent Delivery Technology responds to your breath rate! This feature is what allows you to use your Inogen One G3 while you sleep even though it doesn’t offer a continuous flow.


When you are sleeping your breathing rate decreases. As the Intelligent Delivery Technology monitors your breath rate, it will automatically increase or decrease the amount of oxygen per bolus dose depending on the oxygen setting and your breath rate.


For example, if you are breathing at a rate of 10 breaths per minute the Inogen One G3 will double the amount of oxygen per bolus dose than if you were breathing at 20 breaths per minute. This is to ensure you are getting your required oxygen.


One of the big reasons pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators aren’t recommended to use at night while you sleep is that they don’t detect mouth breaths. The Inogen One G3, on the other hand, will be able to detect shallow mouth breaths! So as long as you don’t need a CPAP or BiPAP machine at night, the Inogen One G3 should work for your nighttime oxygen delivery system.


Using the Inogen One G3 is simple and straightforward. The control panel is equipped with an easy to read LCD screen and large push buttons.


The LCD screen shows you vital information like the flow rate you have the machine set to and your remaining battery life. If you are having a hard time reading the screen you have the option of turning the LCD screen backlight on or off.


Inogen G3


There are a total of 5 buttons and each push button is labeled with its specific function:


1. Power Button (standard power symbol)

2. Display Backlight Button (lightbulb)

3. Audible Alarm Button (bell)

4. Flow Rate Up Button (plus sign)

5. Flow Rate Down Button (minus sign)


One of the most important features you should look for in a portable oxygen concentrator is the battery life. And it’s easy to understand why… More battery life equals more freedom and independence.


With the Inogen One G3, you have 2 different battery options to choose from:

 8-Cell Battery

16-Cell Battery


The 8-Cell battery keeps your Inogen One G3 at 4.8 pounds and supplies you with up to 4 hours of battery life. It’s perfect for quick errands, doing things around your house, gardening, or exercising.


The 16-Cell battery adds about a pound of weight to your Inogen One G3, but it supplies you with double the battery life. When you think about it, adding an extra pound of weight to get up to 4.5 additional hours of battery life is a pretty good deal!


The 16-Cell battery is ideal for things like traveling, long trips away from your house, and using as a backup power source in case of a power outage.


The Inogen One G4


Weighing in at 2.8 pounds… Yes, you read that right! At 2.8 the Inogen One G4 is the smallest and lightest portable oxygen concentrator to offer pulse flow settings 1-3 and its battery life is surprising for how small this machine is.


The Inogen One G4 offers 2 different battery options:


Single Battery

Double Battery


Inogen g4


With the single battery, you can get up to 2.25 hours of use on a single charge on a setting of 2 and your Inogen One G4 will weigh just 2.8 pounds. This setup is perfect for making trips to the doctor’s office, running to the store, doing things around your house, and exercising.


The double battery, on the other hand, gets up to 4.5 hours of use on a single charge. Despite doubling your battery life your Inogen One G4 will weigh a mere 3.3 pounds with the double battery installed. This setup will give you the freedom and independence to travel, go to sporting events, or get dinner and see a movie.


Being less restrictive with its oxygen settings and by giving you up to 5 hours of battery life, the Inogen One G4 set the bar high for competitors to follow.

G4 fanny pack

Recharging your Inogen One G4 batteries is fast and convenient. You have a total of three different charging options to choose from:


AC Power Supply

DC Power Supply

External Battery Charger


The AC power supply is the most common charging option. It charges your batteries faster than the DC power supply and you can use your Inogen One G4 on all 3 oxygen settings while you recharge. The AC power supply is equipped with a 110v power cord allowing you to plug it into any wall outlet. You can use it at home, in your hotel room, on a cruise ship and even some of the newer airplanes have 110v outlets at every seat.




While your Inogen One G4 is plugged into the AC power supply you will have an unlimited amount of oxygen. So, make sure you plug your G4 into the AC power supply if you plan on using it to sleep.


The DC power supply gives you the ability to power your concentrator and recharge your batteries on the go! It is equipped with a 12v power cord so you can plug it into the cigarette lighter or 12v outlet in your vehicle. You can take it in your car, truck, RV, or on your boat!


While your Inogen One G4 is plugged into the DC power supply it will recharge and supply you with oxygen on all 3 settings. However, if you are using your G4 while it is plugged into the DC power supply it will take longer to recharge. Remember to turn your vehicle on before plugging your G4 into the DC power supply otherwise, you might blow a fuse or drain your vehicle’s battery.


Although the external battery charger is an optional accessory, it is the most convenient charging option available for your Inogen One G4. It’s a single bay charger that gives you the ability to recharge your extra batteries without plugging your concentrator into a power supply.


Get a Brand New Inogen Oxygen Concentrator for $1495


This means you can run errands, exercise, or go visit your friends and come home to a fully charged battery waiting for you!


Because of its small size, the Inogen One G4 is perfect for any occasion. Its compressor is rated to last 20,000 hours so you can have peace of mind using it every day. It’s small enough to carry virtually anywhere without feeling like your arm is going to fall off. And traveling with oxygen has never been easier than it is with the G4.



Inogen Price

Inogen portable oxygen concentrators range in prices, and when you purchase your inogen system from LPTMedical.com you are getting the best possible price. Inogen cost comparisons can be broken down in detail by our experienced respiratory specialists by calling 1(800)-946-1201 or by emailing info@lptmedical.com 



Topics: portable oxygen concentrator, Inogen One G5, Inogen, Inogen One G3

Ana Eyssimont

Written by Ana Eyssimont