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How to Budget and Afford a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Mar 29, 2021 8:47:28 PM / by Ana Eyssimont


Oxygen is the most essential property of life, yet many people don't even have the ability to utilize oxygen properly due to chronic conditions such as Chronic Pulmonary Respiratory Disease (COPD). COPD is an illness that obstructs your airways either due to excess mucus clogging your airways, or your airways becoming swollen, or a mixture of both of these conditions. 

When your airways within your lungs become obstructed in this way it greatly impacts your ability to breathe properly which is not only uncomfortable but it is also unhealthy because your organs and muscles are not getting the oxygen they need to function properly. 


If your oxygen levels are low enough, you will qualify for oxygen therapy, which is a life saving therapy that gives lung patients a second chance to treat their disease and better manage their symptoms. 


Oxygen therapy, while necessary for some people, is not free, and sometimes it is not even covered by insurance, in this article we are going over some of the most affordable oxygen equipment, and how you can implement oxygen therapy into your life without taking on a huge financial burden. 


Get a Brand New Inogen Oxygen Concentrator for $1495


In this article we will go over:

  • Oxygen devices 
  • Getting your oxygen tanks delivered 
  • Oxygen equipment prices comparison 

Oxygen Equipment Options 

There are 3 main options for oxygen equipment, and they all range in their operational capacities, in prices, and they all offer different lifestyle accommodations.


Oxygen gas, compressed liquid oxygen, and home and portable oxygen concentrators are the main forms of oxygen equipment available. Each method offers the user a different experience, but it is not always the decision of the oxygen patient which method they will use.


The most important determining factor is people’s oxygen requirement that is determined by their doctors through a series of tests. These respiratory tests can be in the form of a blood test, a physical test, and a pulse oximeter test, all of these will indicate how much supplemental oxygen your body needs to function properly. 





Oxygen Gas 

Oxygen tanks are one of the first forms of oxygen therapy, that were first developed in 1868 and it  was used for general anesthesia patients. Oxygen tanks are still commonly used today despite the fact that they are outdated and cumbersome. 


Liquid oxygen tanks are similar, and they have been around a long time as well. These devices are also cold, and have to be handled carefully and stored properly. 


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Traveling by airplane with either of these devices is not possible, and oxygen patients often have a hard time with mobility when they are using gas or liquid oxygen tanks. 

Portable Oxygen Concentrators 

This leaves the last option, that is the newest form of oxygen delivery method that gives oxygen patients a chance to better themselves physically and mentally, a portable oxygen contractors (POCs). POCs give the oxygen patient more than just oxygen, but the freedom, independence, and confidence that they need to go out and enjoy life to the fullest. 

Cost Analysis of Oxygen Equipment 


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All of these devices also range in prices, and oxygen tanks and liquid oxygen devices are oftentimes covered by medicare and other insurance providers if you qualify. Portable oxygen concentrators on the other hand are not because they are still considered “luxury items” 


Even without coverage, portable oxygen concentrators are the cheapest options for respiratory patients who require long term oxygen therapy. It is unfortunate that many oxygen users immediately turn away from the option to buy a portable oxygen concentrator when they see the upfront costs because in the long term the upfront cost is much less that the costs you pay over time with an oxygen tank.


Oxygen tanks require constant refilling, and every time you have to get your tanks refilled they have to be delivered to you which is inconvenient and takes up valuable time and money. 


Portable oxygen concentrators never run out of oxygen, instead you charge the batteries every day and the machine extracts air from its surrounding and purifies it into medical grade oxygen. These devices are also on warranty and rated to last for many years, so you do not have to worry about buying a new one. 


So rather than paying thousands and thousand of dollars to an oxygen delivery service over the course of a year, you can pay a finite amount up front for a portable oxygen concentrator that won’t consistently be costing you money.


There are also options for people who do want a portable oxygen concentrator but do not want to spend a lot of money up front. With LPT Medical, an oxygen equipment company based in Denver, Colorado with one other location in Boca Raton, Florida, you can finance your oxygen device, and pay in increments rather than spending a large sum upfront.


LPT Medical Logo


To see if you qualify for a payment plan with LPT Medical, you can call, 1(800)-946-1201. 

Affording a Portable Oxygen Concentrator 

There are a lot of different types of POCs, and there are two types of device that you can get, a pulse flow POC and a continuous flow POC. Whether you buy a pulse flow or a continuous flow device will all depend on your oxygen prescription. Once our respiratory specialists in Boca, Raton Florida determine which type of POC will work for you, you will have likely 2-4 options for a POC that would suit your oxygen needs.


Of course how much the device costs will weigh into your decision, however this should not be the only criteria you are looking at when you are shopping for a portable oxygen concentrator. You should also be looking at the weight, the size, the battery life, and other factors like its compressor, the reliability, and maintenance requirements. 


There are a lot of resources for you when looking into a portable oxygen concentrator that you can use to compare and contrast different devices. 


For now we will focus on how to afford a portable oxygen concentrator and the step you can take to start saving for a portable oxygen concentrator. 

How to Save Money




  1. Cut down on groceries

This is a great opportunity to start cutting out foods that are not good for you, and buying foods that are COPD friendly.  You can also save money, energy, and time online grocery shopping and using pickup or delivery services. Ordering your groceries online helps you get rid of the temptation of seeing any guilty pleasure items and throwing it in your cart and you’re forced to stick to your list and avoid impulse splurges.


  1. Cancel subscriptions and memberships

Subscriptions such as Netflix, Hulu, any magazines, gym memberships, and Amazon Prime are all examples of automatic payments coming out of your account every month and if you are not utilizing these memberships canceling them can save you a lot of money. If you have a subscription that you do want to keep, you can look into options for sharing memberships with some family or friends making the membership cheaper!


  1. Buy generic brands

Most of the time, the name brand products are no more than a pretty box and nicer marketing, but the product is exactly the same. Buying generic brands of medicine and vitamins, food items, cleaning products and paper products will cost you far less than brand-name.


  1. Get rid of cable

Cable prices are rising exponentially. The average price for cable today adds up to over $1,200 a year, which is completely unnecessary because streaming services offer live tv channels, news, and other events nowadays. 




  1. Save money automatically

If you want to put away money every month, you can set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds from your checking account into a savings account every month. You can also set up your direct deposit to automatically transfer 10% of each paycheck into your savings account. 


  1. Reduce energy costs

You can save money by reducing your energy consumption and your electric bill. Small things like taking shorter showers, fixing leaky pipes, washing your clothes in cold water, installing dimmer switches and LED light bulbs, and turning off the light frequently can really add up to a lot of savings.


Buying new energy-efficient appliances is a great way to save money on your electric bill, but there are large upfront costs. You can start to budget for a portable oxygen concentrator and energy efficient appliance in your monthly budget, and you can save up and pay cash for those improvements over time.


  1. Eat out less

Buying lunch a few times a week may seem harmless at the moment and sometimes cooking just doesn't sound enjoyable, but you can save quite a bit of money just by packing a lunch or eating at home! Oftentimes a week’s worth of groceries costs the same as two dinner meals out. You will see your savings go up and up month after month just by eating at home.




  1. Lower your cell phone bill.

Depending on your cell phone provider, it is possible your monthly cell phone bill is much higher than it needs to be and there is actually a lot of opportunity to save money. You can choose to get rid of add ons like costly data plans, phone insurance and useless warranties. 


  1. Staycation vs. vacation

This past year, everyone has saved money on travel, due to the global pandemic travel has been limited, especially to people with respiratory disease. You can continue to save money by being a tourist in your own city. This is a great opportunity to explore your neighborhood and surrounding towns and cities, it is also a way that you can safely stay busy. 

Pulse Flow Portable Oxygen Concentrators 


POCS for Mobile LP-1


There are multiple pulse flow devices that can fit into most oxygen users requirements who use pulse flow operation. The Inogen One G3, the Inogen One G5, and the Caire Freestyle Comfort are the three best devices on the market, and they are all reasonably priced when you purchase yours from LPT Medical. 


Even though it would be rare for one of these devices to be covered by insurance, in the long-run they will cost less than an oxygen tank that has to be consistently refilled! 

The Inogen One G3


Inogen One G3 2 Battery Package


The Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow device that can output 210-1050 ml/min (milliliters per minute) so this device is great for oxygen patients that require oxygen at a 1-4 setting during the day or night.


Similarly to the Inogen One G4 the Inogen One G3 offers Intelligent Delivery Technology. Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology ensures that your oxygen is delivered within the first 400 milliseconds after your concentrator detects your breath. This almost guarantees that you’re receiving the entire bolus dose of oxygen delivered by your G3 and not wasting any of it. 


Portable oxygen concentrators run off of rechargeable batteries, and the One G3 has great battery life. Having a device that can last for up to 6 hours on setting 3 is amazing for oxygen patients who are looking for the freedom and independence to live their lives rather than being held back by their oxygen machine. 


To learn more about the One G3, and how much the portable oxygen concentrators costs on a payment plan or total upfront costs please call 1(800)-946-1201

The Inogen One G5 


one g5 backpack


The Inogen One G5 is very similar to the One G3 in that they are both pulse flow devices and offer the oxygen patient Intelligent Delivery Technology. The One G5 is more powerful and can operate at a setting of 5 which is 1260 ml/min (milliliters/minute), and its battery is more powerful, and can last up to 7 hours of a setting 3. 


The One G5 is an updated and newer version of the G3! It is also lighter than the One G3 and only weighs 4.7 pound with the single battery installed.  


If you are looking for the very best portable oxygen concentrator, the Inogen One G5 check all of the boxes.

The Caire Freestyle Comfort 


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The Caire Freestyle Comfort is everything you need in an oxygen device. It is lightweight, has powerful pulse flow operation, and has a long-lasting battery. 


The Freestyle Comfort offers 210-1050 mil/min setting 1-5, and the battery can last for up to 16 hours! 


Because this device only weighs 5 pounds, oxygen patients can bring it with them easily wherever they go. 

Comparing Oxygen Device Costs 


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Oxygen therapy is an essential treatment for hypoxemic patients there is no substitute and its benefits for oxygen patients are proven. Modern technology, portable oxygen concentrators, have improved the therapeutic benefits for oxygen patients and also reduced the cost of this expensive therapy. 


LPT Medical is committed to working with trusted manufacturers in order to continue seeking improvements in oxygen delivery that enables access and enhances quality of life. 


Portable oxygen concentrators reduce the frequency of delivery services, and home visits, yet the initial costs can still be intimidating to the average buyer. This is why it is important to work with suppliers, such as LPT Medical, who are working with their customers on an individual basis, and finding solutions to financial issues rather than turning people away from the therapeutic benefits portable oxygen therapy offers. 

Creating Affordable Options for Oxygen Patients


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Seemingly it is increasingly more difficult for people to pay for the medical equipment they need in order to treat conditions like COPD, asthma, and sleep apnea. Although many people depend on oxygen equipment to be able to live fulfilling and satisfying lives, trying to get Medicare and private healthcare companies to see them as a necessity is like pulling teeth. 


Oftentimes, healthcare providers refuse to pay their fair share and respiratory patients are left high and dry without many options.


To counteract this, our goal here at LPT Medical is to get an oxygen concentrator in the hands of anyone and everyone who wants one. We’re proud to offer the lowest prices on portable oxygen concentrators you can find online. We also have very reasonable financing options so that you can make monthly payments which may be more manageable for you and your lifestyle. We have a wide price range of new products for sale, but we always have second hand machines for you to consider that are even less expensive.


As a respiratory patient, it is important you take your treatments very seriously, and oftentimes treatment costs money. You can follow some of the ideas in this blog for saving money, there are some great ways that you can cut back and start saving money for your treatment. This will only improve your quality of life and help you to afford the best treatment!


If you decide that it is time to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator, you can call 1(800)-946-1201 or visit our website at LPTMedical.com for information about the POCs mentioned in this blog and others that were not mentioned. 


The best way to get connected with a POC that fits your oxygen perception, your budget, and your lifestyle is to talk with a respiratory specialist over the phone. Make sure you have your oxygen prescription handy so that we can best assist you 

Topics: Medication and Treatment, portable oxygen concentrator, wellness goals, Inogen, Caire Freestyle Comfort

Ana Eyssimont

Written by Ana Eyssimont