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Pros and Cons of The Most Popular Portable Oxygen Concentrators in 2022

Aug 12, 2020 1:43:31 PM / by Ana Eyssimont

Pros and Cons of The Most Popular Portable Oxygen Concentrators in 2020

Choosing a portable oxygen concentrator can be tricky because there are a lot of options out there. So best way to begin is by narrowing down your options based on a few components we will discuss in this article.

Based on whether you need pulse dose, continuous dose, or both and the flow rate you need, you will be able to narrow down your options.


Get a Brand New Inogen Oxygen Concentrator for $1495


After you have a list of concentrators that will meet your oxygen requirements, you can continue narrowing down your option based on the unit’s weight, battery life, noise level, and sleep mode technology.


These priorities are based on your lifestyle and the qualities of life you value most.



You can start by asking yourself some questions:


Do I need a unit that is lightweight so that I can carry it easier while running errands?

Do I need a light weight unit so that I can start exercising more often?

Do I need a unit with long lasting battery life because I travel a lot?

Do I need a unit with long lasting battery life because I like to be outside without a power source for long periods of time?

Do I need a quiet unit because I am very sensitive to noise?

Do I need sleep mode technology because I already have trouble sleeping?


Once you have determined the list of units that meet your oxygen needs and have an idea of which lifestyle choices you prioritize, you should have a pretty great idea of which portable oxygen concentrator is best for you!



If you need help setting up these components, please call 1 - 800 - 946 - 1201, and a respiratory specialist will be happy to help guide you through this process.


Below is an infographic that goes through a few of the most popular oxygen concentrators on the market, and the “pros and cons” of each. You will notice there are very few cons, which is why they are so popular!


If any of these machines seem to be a great fit for you or if you do not see a machine that fits your needs, call us at 1 - 800 - 946 - 1201 or send us an email at info@lptmedical.com


You’ll be happy to know that every time you call LPT Medical, you’ll be connected with an experienced respiratory specialist who will be able to answer all your questions; whether it’s a question about an oxygen concentrator, financing information, Medicare, or pricing, we’ll get you squared away so you don’t have to worry.


The most popular portable oxygen concentrators of 2020 are linked here:

Respironics SimplyGo 

SeQual Eclipse 5

Inogen One G3

Inogen One G5

Caire Freestyle Comfort 


Pros and Cons (1)



Topics: portable oxygen concentrator, Respironics SimplyGo, Inogen One G5, Caire Freestyle Comfort, SeQual Eclipse 5, Inogen One G3

Ana Eyssimont

Written by Ana Eyssimont

Download Our Official Guide to Portable Oxygen Concentrators