ResMed is one of the top names in respiratory medical equipment. They specialize in portable oxygen concentrators and sleep apnea devices. In fact, the last portable oxygen concentrator they released, the LifeChoice Activox 4L, has been one of the most popular units on the market for the past few years.

Duke Reeves
Recent Posts
New Product Announcement: ResMed Mobi Portable Oxygen Concentrator
Feb 1, 2019 11:37:00 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in Medication and Treatment
Another Reason to Get Your Flu Shot: It Could Mean Life or Death for Someone with COPD
Jan 24, 2019 11:07:07 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks
Influenza—also known as the flu—is one of the most common and deadly viruses that spreads throughout the US every year. With the peak of the flu season beginning in January and continuing through March, now is the time to get your flu vaccine if you haven't done so already.
Experts recommend that every person over 6 months old get the flu shot every year, but it is especially important for older adults and people with serious health conditions. This applies particularly to people with chronic respiratory diseases like COPD, who have a much higher risk of experiencing life-threatening complications if they get exposed to the flu.
COPD and CO2 Retention: What You Need to Know
Jan 16, 2019 9:52:06 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Tips and Hacks, diet, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy
Because COPD is a breathing disorder, most of the symptoms of the disease are caused by not being able to get enough oxygen when you breathe. However, there is another, equally serious breathing problem that COPD patients face, which is not exhaling enough carbon dioxide (CO2) when they breathe—known as CO2 retention.
16 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor About COPD
Jan 14, 2019 10:24:22 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks
Whether you've been recently diagnosed with COPD or have been living with the condition for years, you are bound to have lots of questions. These might include questions about your health, your disease, your medications, your treatment options, and more.
As these questions come up over the course of your COPD treatment, your doctor will be your primary source for answers. But in order to get the right answers and the information you need, you first have to know what questions to ask.
Communication between doctors and patients should never be one-way; it's just as important for you to communicate with your doctor as it is for him to explain information to you. In order to get the best treatment possible, you need to keep track of all your questions, articulate your concerns, and remember to bring them up with your doctor when you have the chance.
Everything You Need to Know About Taking a Cruise on Oxygen
Jan 9, 2019 9:27:27 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks
Planning a big trip is never a simple task, but it can be especially difficult if you use supplemental oxygen. It can be complicated, stressful, and even feel overwhelming to travel when you have to bring oxygen everywhere you go.
Cruises can be even more daunting than other types of travel, since they are relatively long and remote excursions. They take you far from home and in to foreign places, which requires some extra planning and care.
33 Practical Strategies to Make Household Chores Easier with COPD
Dec 10, 2018 10:27:21 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Tips and Hacks
It's safe to say that most people don't look forward to doing chores, but this is especially true for people with COPD. Household tasks are unpleasant enough on their own, but they are much worse when you have to do them while struggling to breathe.
How Cleaning Products Are Damaging Your Lungs
Dec 6, 2018 10:08:24 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Tips and Hacks
We've long known that the harsh chemicals found in many cleaning products can be dangerous if not handled correctly. However, recent research shows that common household cleaners may be much more dangerous than most people realize.
The Dangers of Wood-Burning Stoves and Fireplaces for People with COPD
Nov 29, 2018 10:29:01 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Tips and Hacks
As soon as the cold weather creeps in, it's inevitable that wood-burning stoves start firing up all across the country. For many people, burning wood is a long and cherished tradition, both for warmth and for recreation.
Tips and Tricks for Exercising on Oxygen Therapy
Nov 1, 2018 9:20:24 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Respiratory Resource Center, Portable Oxygen, Tips and Hacks, portable oxygen concentrator, oxygen therapy
Exercise is absolutely vital for healthy living, especially if you have COPD or another respiratory disease. But when you're hooked up to your oxygen tank or concentrator, it can make working out and doing other physical activities a little bit more tricky.
Fortunately, exercising with oxygen isn't too difficult if you know how to do it right. In fact, the extra oxygen you get should make it easier to exercise by improving your endurance and making it easier to breathe.
In this article, we're going to give you a variety of tips and techniques to help you better manage exercise while you're using supplemental oxygen. That way, you can continue living an active, healthy life without letting your disease or your oxygen therapy get in the way.
19 Effective Ways to Boost Your Immune System if You Have COPD
Oct 30, 2018 10:09:49 AM / by Duke Reeves posted in COPD, Medication and Treatment, Tips and Hacks
One of the things that makes COPD so dangerous is the fact that it makes your body more vulnerable to disease. It not only makes you more likely to get sick, but it makes it harder to recover from illnesses, too.